Friday, August 15, 2008

Recurring Dreams

What is a recurring dream? It's a dream that u had over and over again. Not necessarily every night, maybe once a week, maybe once a month. And it's not necessary to have the same dream(e.g same place) as there might be some variation in that dream. And sometimes, it happens like soap operas, from one stage to another(pelik, tapi benar, so di dalam definasi aku, soap operas tiru mimpi? ;p). Dari sorg pakcik yang bernama Dr. Jenkins (, kalo kita tulis pasal mimpi tu, kita akan nampak variasi pada mimpi tu(adakah kita sgt rajin menulis ape yang kita mimpi?). Sk frens, Prof Syed pn pesan kalo nak ingat mimpi sediakan pen n kertas sbb pastu kita leh tulis mimpi kita supaya kita tak lupa. Yes, saya fail to do so, sbb godaan mata nak tdo terlalu kuat.

So usually, people ask, why is dream keep on happening? And they said the answer is because maybe there's a very important thing that our mind is trying to tell us. Sbb tu recurring dreams ni jadi. Well, saye agak bersetuju sbb dlu saya dan kawan2 penah belajar pasal otak n how otak actually dibahagi kepada 3 bahagian, conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind (teori ais dan air di dalam gelas(teori aisberg pn boleh kan?)).

Now, what do we do with this recurring dreams? First of all, we must understand the dream, and then look within urself. Kita kne paham mimpi tu, diri kita(paham sepaham-pahamnye la ni kan?), and tgk dari pelbagai perspektif (esp objective point of view), emotional, physical,etc...

Camne nak stopkan bende tu?I think, sbb according to readings aku, after understanding the dreams, mungkin dreams tu boleh benti. We might need to do some changes after understanding the dream. Dunno la...

Try to finish the dream(according to Dr. Jenkins). Ye la kan, sesetengah org mimpi kne kejar and pas kne kejar tak penah kne tangkap, alih2 terbangun, kan?ala...macam kat dalam tv tu...Recurring dreams yang buruk(nightmares) tak semestinya bermakna that it's bad. Macam yang aku baca smlm( i dun remember where), ada sorg individu ni mimpi dia dikejar oleh seseorang, tapi dia tak nampak muka. Pastu last2 dia beranikan diri dia tanye org yang kejar dia, why are you chasing me and please, don't hurt me(kalo tak silap aku la). And last2 dia nampak muka tu, actually, not a bad guy, but a man who was smiling gently at her and said, 'don't be scared, I won't hurt you.'

That makes me come to my question, what is my subconscious mind trying to tell me?

0 butterflies: