Thursday, June 24, 2010

memories are to be reminisce and cherish~

this entry is for ifa~

we've known each other since 03.11.2008. The darkest yet one of the most important year of our lives.


try...try...and lasted for a few days...but series of unwanted events happened since the morning...tried to be happy, and quiet during the unwanted moments...but it didn't last long when an idiot called...epople has'nt seen me go extremely all out with my's real ugly...but well i'm trying not to, cos it made me feel tired...besides, i'll die earlier than i'm suppose to due to heart attack if i do it too often...which is why i'm trying to control it..*it's hard though esp when you hafta communicate with idiots who get on you nerves*

hmmm...felt better...thank you...

what a day~

Yes, this entry was suppose to be dedicated to a friend who'll be going to other district. She was offered a permanent position in there. She and another boy in the office.
Tapi, biarlah meroyan sikit kat sini...hahaha...It was funny tapi agak menekankan jiwa..peristiwa tukar tayar kete. I don't wanna say much about that experience, since aku dgn budak2 yang ikut aku (dengan harapan dorg membantu aku buat keputusan yang terbaik) semuanya hampehhh...Aku ingat dorg tau pasal tayar menayar nih, rupenye tak tau...adesssss......
Tapi takpelah, let this be a lesson for me. Bersyukur sbb at least dorg nak gak teman kan....Bersyukur juga sbb ini adalah pengalaman..tau yang kedai tu tak sepatutnye jadi destinasi selepas ini sekiranya ada perkara serupa yang jadi kat kete tu...hahahahah...
Sesungguhnya aku kne blajar bersyukur untuk tenang dan bahagia....Sbb pada aku, kebahagiaan dan ketenangan itu datang daripada rasa syukur pada apa yang Allah dah bagi....Terlalu banyak nikmat...aku selalu lupa.....Belajarlah huda.....Berubahlah....
Insya Allah~

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Emotionless, maybe not

I still do have emotions...Sadness, anger...are the main emotions right now...

The frustration is much more than i thought i'd endure..Never thought that thingss would be this hard, gone this far. It involves everything that i have.

how much more that people i love would have to endure to achieve the tranquility that the loved ones dreamt of?

Easier said than done. That is why i wish i could shut myself out from those people, which is impossible, because of the loved ones...Those people, they didn't help much, yet say so much, resulting in much more hurt, and damage than its already done. Not putting us back together, but making even more mess, crashing us down into pieces.

I wonder if the pieces can be put together nicely, just like before. Not perfectly (impossible), but just nicely to made up for all the damages that was done..

Friday, June 18, 2010

The second one...

so this is the second one....*sigh*

it's called summer rain. as to why i chose this template...mmm....

i guess the name, summer rain...and the background picture...rain....on summer....there'd be rainbow, right?

i've always love rainbow. but yesterday, i thought..maybe i wanna be a rainbow..beautiful rainbow, makes people feel happy just by watching it. it's something that i feel when i see the rainbow that i can't explain..

the ME that i know right now has changed, into a ice cold heartless person. i didn't realize it until my nephew told me so. or have i been heartless that i never realized it?

new template...

i changed it today....i love the old template, but i think i need to change it, cos i've been using it for lama sangat je...

this new look..i like it, but somehow i just don't feel that the design fits/represents me...

maybe i'll change it...later?tomorrow?next week?next year?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm ready...

I guess i'm ready fall in love again..

yes, good thing, i must say...

but first i have to find my future bf. how am i gonna fall in love again if the person hasn't come around?...

yes, saya memang lame, not pretty and boring...and tiada peminat...that's the truth...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Geez, I've no idea on what to update here...since i've been so caught up in my problematic world and not to say focusing, but rather throwing tantrums in my other blog.

yes,my life has been more pathetic than it had always been. but it hasn't stop me from going out with friends. well, it took us almost an hour to decide where to! why are girls so indecisive when it comes to having dinner with friends? that includes me, of course..

uhh...tghr yang sungguh memengantukkan....ahahaha...kenapa lunch break perlu jadi masa utk tdo?