Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jiwa Kacau

My current life reminds me of The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. Bukan la 100% sama ngan poem, but there are similarities. Obviously, it's about making choices. Kinda made up my mind, choosing my mum's choice, cos it's kinda what my parents want all along. These few yrs, my life has always revolve around that very same question.

It's a little frustrating, cos I know I can't have both. I know I can't be greedy. Si Tamak akan rugi. So I'll tell myself that it's just not my luck. Like Frost said, sorry I could not travel both.

1. less money, less risk long term investment(but there's no guarantee that I'll succeed in the future 50%50%).
2. more money, higher risk, short term investment(100% ambiguous.hahah).

I'd love to have a lot of money, tapi macam org jerman kata, sediakan payung sebelum hujan. Jiwa agak kacau, tapi masih boleh hidup. Rugi sikit takpe la kan. Harap2 impian mak tercapai nak tgk anaknye keje kat opis..eheheheh...Tlg doakan saye ye...Aminn....

Slalu hati sgt berbelah bahagi, tapi not this time. I haven't consult anyone, but it feels like this is what I have to do. It's hard(not that hard), but makes me feel sad a little, but feels like i have to do it.

0 butterflies: