Monday, November 16, 2009

On the games

Mmm....lupa nak bagi update pasal that sports thingy. My office dapat 3rd place. The games I played, I lost. Well, most of it.

Boleh kira mostly sbb baru belajar nak main n awal2 game kurang chemistry. Nak kata totally puas ati takla sbb we know that we could do better. But then, it was worth it sbb boleh kira it was a good first try.

Semangat pn masih berkobar2 nak main. Tapi ada gak rasa nak balik, cos I wanna play the guitar. Dah lama aku mengabaikan gitar tu, sbb tak pandai main. Lately cam semangat sikit la, sbb cam dah reti sikit nak blaja camne..hahahaha...I am so silly, kan?

0 butterflies: