Thursday, October 9, 2008


Susah sgt ke nak pujuk someone u love?

Adakah btul that I am the reason that u failed in life? DO u really think so?

When I was mad, mesti la I said all those stupid things, but the sane me (di pemikiran tahap normal) will never do nor want that. Is it really for the best?

When I got angry, is it so hard to wait for me to cool down n pujuk me? Of course I'll remember, but setau ME, I am the type of person yang akan mengaruk for a while tapi lepas tu ok je..

Adakah saya mmg damn complicated to u?I thought I knw me well, but u don't.

What you went through, I went through it too. Cuma maybe I never think as much as u do. And I forgive and for get(quite easily), and didn't take it to heart as much as u do/did. Mmg aku slalu rasa rendah diri ngan budak2 yang blaja di negara K and G itu, tapi ada masa2 tertentu je aku pk, kan?lepas dia pujuk, aku ok balik..Senang je nak pujuk aku ni sbnrnya, sbb cepat gile cool kalo panas.Unlike u, u'll bawak pasal AA ngan M almost everytime kita gaduh. But then, at least I was being honest. And I have to bertahan ungkitan pasal AA and M selama setahun lebih, almost 2 yrs.

Or maybe u're not used to my amuck yang melampau aritu. That's why u gave up on us...

0 butterflies: