Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Blog Abandoned For the Nth Time

I'm sorry dear blog, I was just so caught up in a world that I created in my head. Lol.

A lot of things happened. But one thing I know,

J said I push relationship away. which she sometimes is not sure why.

Well, sometimes I just had to do it. I can't imagine my life in a relationship with someone who claimed that he studied how to make a bomb (for example).

And i push it away not because I don't like that person. I had doubts. If that person will ever accept me for what I am. And what if the other person doesn't like me the way I like him.

Dear My Mr Darcy, I'm tired of waiting for you. Find yourself a Garmin and start looking for the right coordinate, please. Be fast. I'd like to slap you for being late.

0 butterflies: